Our Services
We offer IT service for residential and small business customers. All services presented below are part of the PC-QUILT (maintenance membership) program.
This program consists or multiple components: inventory, software installation, maintenance actions (such as Backups, System Monitoring, Privacy Monitoring, Security Check, Network Monitoring) and On Demand Repairs and more. Please check the list below to quickly learn what's included.
PC-Quilt is similar to your car insurance. You pay an annual fee which gives you protection in case you experience IT related issues. PC-Quilt differs from your car insurance, in that we do your system maintenance (whereas in case of your car, you usually do it yourself). Our goal is to keep your system healthy - this is the only way we make profit.
This is a true win-win relationship, which not many can offer.

Introduction to PC-QUILT
Software Hardware Inventory
Upon membership activation, we visit your site (home or office) and perform hardware and software inventory. This allows in the future much more effective maintenance. We collect Information about your devices, brands, models its settings. We also collect your wiring information, ISP and other important data which can help in the future maintain your system properly.
Scheduled Maintenance
After initial visit inventory and installation, we will perform regular maintenance on your system. That includes (but is not limited to) software backups. We also perform scanning and repair of multiple areas of your system (i.e hard drive scanning, registry scanning/repair, startup files scanning, cleaning history files, updating software and device drivers, defragmenting hard drives and more,...). You can study our "Knowledge Base" to learn more.
Future Planning
With our 40+ years of experience, within your membership plan we can also advise you about your potential purchases, give you tips on what to avoid when buying new software or hardware and give you guidelines on how to save time and money by automating your tasks.
Software Inventory
Upon initial site visit we collect information about your Operating System (type, version) as well as other software that has priority in your operations.
We also allow you to store in our system information about your software licenses, and other valuable information. This in turn protects you from loosing this information when software reinstallation is required.
Based on your membership, we designate a specific amount of time for remote OR on-site troubleshooting. Within that limit, we will try to fix your problems. If the issues require more time than once the default time limit is exceeded, we will charge you per extra time in 15 min increments. It is not possible to predict amount of time needed to resolve certain issues as it depends on tens of factors. We will always try to give you rough estimate (as time range).
Maintenance tasks
Provided maintenance consists of several tasks which are explained in our "Knowledge Base) system. It is impossible to list them here (in this small section). The reason we install the software and perform regular maintenance is to keep your computer equipment in shape and fully operational all the time.
System Backup
Upon initial visit we install maintenance software on your computer which is the key tool to keep your system fully operational. This software also allows remote access (only by your permission) to your computer(a) to troubleshoot your problems remotely.
In most cases, your issues can be resolved by logging into your system remotely. Every single remote request must be accepted by you.
Hardware Repair
We offer limited service of hardware, that is mostly desktop and laptop computers. Such repairs do not fall under membership service, and cost of repairs is estimated and billed on per-case basis.
Within the membership, we can help you diagnose your hardware issues (which happen quite a lot) and advise you with best steps to resolve it. Sometimes, repairs at more costly than purchasing a new hardware.
Although we believe you are a responsible person, we also know that some users abuse their computers, software and equipment. That includes (but is not limited to) deleting system files, filling up hard drives to the max capacity, installing malware, overheating hardware etc.
In such cases we reserve the right to refuse the service and the details are explained in our Knowledge Base system.